Our Varied Land and My Love of It
As I've written earlier on this site, I'm in the midst of travel-fest, some for work, some for fun. Thankfully I've enjoyed every destination and reason so far. Over the last ten days alone I've raced over 60 beautiful miles of singletrack and road in western Arkansas and lapped the 100-mile White Rim in Canyonlands near Moab, UT. I've been lucky to sleep outside 3 nights, with more later in the month, and even luckier to spend time with wonderful friends. I've also happened to meet new people that brought smiles to our shared time.
Beyond the time in the saddle, I've accrued some serious seat time in my car. Observing the changes in the American landscape at a cruise control monitored 75 miles per hour is a far cry from my preferred 14 miles per hour aboard a bike but I still enjoy it. Audiobooks and podcasts offer new ideas that a traveling mind is far more open to consider. When company is present, a car trip allows for intense conversation and flights of fancy. And when topics run dry, the world outside will eventually spark an idea. I love travel. It reduces life to minimums, simplifying it, intensifying it. So I encourage everyone reading this to start planning your next trip. A fresh perspective on your daily routine, a solution to a longstanding problem, a new friend, an old friend reconnected. All these are possible but at a minimum you'll see some new territory. And that's always a good thing.
Looking down on the White Rim